Building a Home...

As I write this, I am drenched in sweat. Actually, I was drenched in sweat. That sweat is now dried into my shirt and emitting a fragrance that is some mix of sweat, plywood, dirt, and mustard. I also just tooted, which felt great and for which - after a long days work - I offer no apology.

Today I helped build a home in east Fort Worth with Habitat for Humanity. My employer, TD Ameritrade, sponsored a house and gave me the day off to offer my contribution. I spent the day helping frame the roof, which should be completed tomorrow. It was nice at the end of the day, seeing how far we came, starting with just a plywood skeleton, and by the end beginning to look like a real roof. I don't remember who the lady is whose home we are building, but I'm excited for her anyway, and am glad to be a part of that effort.

Meanwhile, I have my own projects back at Casa de Deano. With my dad's guidance, I've recently repainted the back-side trim, re-caulked the bathtubs and the kitchen sink, fixed a door that literally fell off, completely re-do a bathroom skylight area, and will soon repaint the front entrance to the house, among some other projects. I do all this in preparation for my new roommate, Cara. I don't know how long we'll be in this house, but I am doing what I can to make sure we start our marriage focused on our new life together and not all the broken things we have to fix.

The fun aspect of home-building a home is you never really finish. Some people might see call this a negative, but I see building a house as allegorical to much of our personal growth. We are always in process; never quite finished and hopefully renewing and refreshing prior areas of development. A complacent house rots, and so does the heart and mind. We are always in process.

I'm very excited for the soon-to-be homeowner in the house I worked on today. I feel that in my own way I can relate to the anticipation of memories to come, as I feel I am, in my own way, building a home as well. In both cases, the page is turning and a new chapter is about to begin. I'm glad to have been a part of this lady's story, and I'm glad that she, while not knowing it, has become a part of mine.

That's all I've got for now, as I have to get in the shower, which will be long and cold and wonderful. I may have to burn my clothes. I can taste my stink.