Fwd: Valentine's Day...

The following is an email from my summer home through college, Wind River Ranch. Enjoy.

The following is a very short, yet enlightening, history of Valentine's Day:

According to church tradition, St. Valentine was a priest near Rome during the reign of Claudius II.  In one of the worst decisions of all time, Claudius banned marriage in an attempt to boost enlistment of soldiers.  His impaired thinking was that married men were too emotionally attached to their families, so to assure quality soldiers, he banned marriage.  Brilliant…

Valentine ignored this edict and continued to marry couples in secret. Claudius learned of this "friend of lovers," and had him arrested. The emperor, impressed with the young priest's dignity and conviction, attempted to convert him to the Roman gods to save him from certain execution. Valentine refused and actually attempted to convert the emperor to Christianity.  He was not successful and was sentenced to death shortly thereafter.  

While in prison, he befriended his jailor, Asterius. The jailor had a blind daughter who often came to visit them.  During one of these visits, God empowered Valentine to heal the daughter's blindness.  I imagine her visits became more frequent after that.  
On the day of his execution (February 14, 270), Valentine signed a farewell message to her, "From Your Valentine," a phrase that has lived ever after.  
Thus, Valentine became the Patron Saint of lovers and unknowingly began a tradition which has kept Hallmark and balloon bouquets in business for years!

Just think, the only reason we know Valentine's name is because he stood against the ridiculous culture of his day.  He held to the precepts of God, and did what God called him to do, even when it became very inconvenient for him to do so. 

You and I have that same choice to make.  In a society that says "if it feels good...do it" and where faithfulness equals stupidity, God expects us to live according to His principles. And in so doing, God is lifted up - and when God is lifted up, He draws people to Himself. 

So as you write your Valentine's Cards this year, remember that our love is different than the world's love.  Our love is a reflection of the Love we have received freely and generously… may we be as free and generous in sharing that Love with all we meet.        - Rob

"This is the message you heard from the beginning: we should love one another." - 1 John 3:11