
I'll have to lump a few of these together. I was out of town hunting this weekend and foolishly forgot to write anything.

I wrote a statistical model the other day to calculate, based on a 302 day engagement, at which point did the waiting become hardest. After extensive, painstaking calculations, I determined that, from a 302 day engagement, the anguish begins at day 48, reaches its pinnacle of difficulty at day 11, and resolves itself at day 3. We'll see how the rest of these steps go, but I'm happy (kinda) to confirm that day 48 was correct as predicted. Once I realized I was actually inside of 50 days, and paused to consider how close I am to giving up the rest of my life, I became ever-so-slightly unnerved. Thankfully, I had flocks of dove and a 12-gauge to distract me. Now, at Tuesday the 46th of Dean, I'm not so lucky. Waiting and patience are hard disciplines.

All the while, I know God's Hand is in our marriage. Cara and I are walking beside each other and towards Him. This is no less than a dream come true. My life is not easy, and neither is hers, but we will walk through all those times together as a single life, heart, and mind, in pursuit of Him.

46 days...