New Idea

I want to step up how often I write, and since I typically need excuses and deadlines to accomplish anything, I'm gonna write two reviews a week, one music, one movie.

Since I recently did Lady in the Water, I'll count that as my movie. Forget that I wrote it two weeks ago. I'm lazy, and this is my blog, after all.

Song: Nothing to Say – Andrew Peterson

I really love this song. I started off wanting to write something really poetic – you know, really blow your socks off with something really great and moving. I guess thinking about it more, to do that would prove I'd taken absolutely nothing from what this song is trying to say. And what is that? I suppose it's saying God has given us a really, really big world; a world way bigger than our own concerns or even successes, and the more we're able to lose ourselves, and this need we carry to rationalize all existence – the more we love the what God has given us without reason, we find a joy in that wonderful surrender. There is a freedom in truly, truly letting go.

I'll add more later.