Onto Washington...

And here we are on our way to Seattle. We decided to detour down some random Washington highways that aimed towards Mt. St. Helens.
This is a typical Washington highway view - tones of pine trees, big blue sky, and of course a nice shot of St. Helens. It used to be 14,000+ feet, now 9000+ feet. Especially in the last picture, imagine it ascending up to that next cloud line, and that's about where the peak used to be. I can't imagine what kind of force it takes to blow up that much of a mountain.

These kinds of trips are always fun, especially with folks like Kurt. We have no problem turning down a random road that points in the general direction of an interesting place that we never intended to go, and then following that for a few hours for the heck of it. I can't do that with too many friends.

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