Questioning the Pop...

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It's the best I've got at 11:42pm, so bear with me and I'll fill you in.

She of course said 'no'. Maybe if some girl is reading this, she can feel sympathy that such a sweet gentle and caring person like myself got stiffed by a girl who didn't know what she had. I'm also the humblest person I know...

Really, though, it turned out to be slightly inconsequential. David Gray lost his voice and postponed the concert till spring '06, so not too much harm done.

Life really isn't ever as exciting as we wish it could or should be. Like John Lennon said, 'Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.' How easily we can miss the brunt of our life because we're out trying to find ourselves or make a mark on the world. How easily we miss that a big part of our mark on the world is the lady serving the overpriced coffee we sip while considering our greater aspirations. Could it be that she is the greater aspiration?

It took a Catholic priest to put into perspective the nature of what I've just said, so let me pass on to you what he said to me. He simply said that each person we encounter, each environment and circumstance we find ourselves in, is by its very nature a manisfestation of Jesus Christ. Each mundane moment of our daily lives presents a new opportunity to be the face, the hands, and the feet of Christ. How can a Christian rightly despair over life with this understanding? How fortunate and how blessed we are that Christ is manifesting Himself in our daily moments. Because this is how He works in our lives, we can be comforted even in the most routine of practices, knowing that Christ's very presence makes that moment new and relevant, and makes us responsible to live as He would. For just as it is His life now living through us, our moments, exciting and mundane alike, are His moment given to us in which we might live, and live well.

I almost said 'you never know when Christ might be using you to impact someone else.' In all actuality, we do know. In each moment, Christ is providing opportunity for us to recognize Him and respond accordingly, and those moments are just as relevant, whether you find yourself on a mountaintop, on a stage, paying an overworked lady for your overpriced coffee, or being offered company by a guy who just values you without expectation. In any of the wierdest or most wonderful situations, please, realize Christ is even in that. Live with that understanding, and live that understanding well. Good night.