Stainless Steel Blenders

Inspiration strikes in funny places. I have written anything on this blog for nearly seven months, in part because I've been busy courting the girl I intend to marry, and in part because I'm just lazy. All that said, I was quite surprised just five minutes ago to discover a topic that has now inspired me to pick up my keyboard and write a new thought for a new year.

I opened my Christmas present from my aunt and uncle. Why they sent it UPS I don't know, as they live in the same city. Regardless, my brother and I opened their Christmas gift to us a few nights ago, and to our surprise we found an array of gift cards worth more than anyone has any business giving us, but you won't find us complaining. Among these was a $50 gift card to Target, which I spent today. My bill was $49.77. I hope you're impressed with me, because I am. What did I buy, however? A blender, in fact. A Black & Decker, 550 watt, 5-speed stainless steel blender. A few questions no doubt come to mind, for which I have a few answers. Why a blender? Because I like to 'blend in'. Wow. I really do like to blend, though. I bought fresh strawberries the other day - the kind so rich and dark you can smell the sweetness only fresh strawberries offer, without ever taking a bite. I bought the strawberries to make strawberry smoothies, only to find out the blender I thought was mine was my brother's, who lives in Austin with his blender. This leads into my second answer for the second and pertinent-to-this-blog question, which is 'Why buy a blender now, when the wedding is around the corner? Good question. We all know receiving a wedding-gift blender is among the great certainties in life.Right there with the tide, and God. The Tide, God, and blenders. The tide, however, won't save my strawberries for two weeks, much less October. God can, but I am small in faith, which leaves the blender.

So here I am in Target, eying my way through the blender aisle. I see many nice blenders of different sizes, colors, and advertised power usage. I went with the 550 watt blender, in case I ever decide to blend, oh, say cubic zirconium.

With all I've said so far (397 words), here finally is my point. No sooner had I reached to pick up my new blender when I stopped dead in my tracks, and paused for a moment of careful consideration. I knew the blender, made of (or made to look like) stainless steel was a safe choice, a neutral color that could fit in a variety of kitchens, including my own. But, what I remembered, what stopped me was the realization that those words, 'my own', were down for the count. I am getting married in nine months, and every decision I made regarding our home must be cleared with my future roommate. At no other point in my life have I stopped to consider whether the color of my kitchen appliance might not fit in with a long-term design plan. I'm not sure I've ever before thought any color on a free appliance could be a bad color. My decisions are no longer my own, and today was just one new way of affirming that wonderful truth. I say wonderful because the payoff delights me to no end. Knowing I get to wake up every morning and see my best friend who I love and who loves me, I like that. I'm thankful that while getting married means an amazing level of commitment and becoming accountable for a large amount of the things I do, that I get to grow into that side of marriage with someone as patient and kind as Cara. I'm getting married, and I will become her husband, and while she will take on my name, I belong to her as well, and I can't wait.

So the moment of realization hits me, standing in the blender aisle at Target, that I am not my own, and neither are my decisions, especially on kitchen appliances. I knew I had no choice on what to do next. I dug my phone out of my pocket from in between all the other giftcards, and gave Cara a call. She patiently told me what colors not to buy, and gave me a short list of good colors, among which was stainless steel. I was in the clear. Armed with a blender and Cara's blessing, I made my purchase and made my smoothie, much to the chagrin of some former strawberries.

I am the luckiest guy on earth. There is a girl 300 miles away that loves me for reasons I'll never understand. All I know is I don't deserve her, and she keeps coming back anyway. I can thank God for that, and do my best to honor his blessing by submitting myself to Him, and submitting in love my decisions and actions to her, my bride and partner in our life together.

One Comment

  • 12:51 PM | Permalink

    you so should have gotten a blendtec blender