Funny Morning...

Do you ever have mornings when everything is slightly 'off'? Let's recap my first hour of conciousness:

- I walked around the house for 10 minutes looking for my jeans. I never thought to check the closet. They were in the closet. Where they belong.

- I got breakfast at Fuzzys. I get breakfast at Fuzzys every morning. Every. Morning. Today, exiting, I pushed the door from the hinge side. How did I do that? I push that door correctly every weekday morning, and today I messed it up.

- When I parked at campus, I reached up to shift into park and just missed the lever completely. I've had that car for 7 years and that's never happened.

- After I found my gear and parked, I reached down and pushed my seat belt release. I was surprised when nothing happened. Then I remembered that I wasn't buckled up to begin with.

Anyway, none of these are so stunning in their own right. But, for being such a creature of habit, these were an odd bunch of happenings to pair themselves in such a compact timeframe.

One Comment

  • 1:12 PM | Permalink

    I hate those mornings...

    btw, have you hired someone to write for you? You've done a lot of posts these last few weeks which is totally out of character for you?

    Who are you and what have you done w/ Nathan?