Archive for 2012

15 Years and Counting...

Today is an important day in my year. Fifteen years ago this evening, a great influence on my life, Rich Mullins, stepped over the line of time and into eternity. I can't wait to meet him.

Here is an article he wrote Seventeen years ago, when I was Thirteen, but before I was Fifteen, when he died, Fifteen years ago today.


The woman on the television had that smug-uppity look on her face and that grimly condescending tone in her voice when she looked dead on into the camera and at point blank range announced with ridiculous earnest something that was hysterically, ironically true:

"Miracles are for children," she said with her educated, wilted monotone - a delivery you might call deadpan if she was trying to be funny. The funny thing is, she was not.

But she was right - miracles are for children. And the truth that popped out from between those lips that sophistication had soured, seemed to stop short of the heart of its intended target, look back in wonder, and scratch its head at the unflattering set of jaws whose bite it had accidentally escaped. That truth could have been no sweeter or more true if it had been spoken by Christ Himself.

And Christ Himself did say much the same in so many words, especially if we take the idea of miracle at its most exact sense: "the suspension of the laws of nature by divine intervention." Christ preached what He Himself called the "Good News" of the kingdom of God - a kingdom full of miracles. He Himself said that in this Kingdom the poor would know comfort - and even the most debauched hedonists among us know that if comfort is found by anyone, it is a miracle. In this kingdom of miraculous comfort, Christ said that the meek would inherit the earth (quite contrary to the law of survival of the fittest), the hungry would be satisfied (not a popular notion in a consumerist society), the pure would have vision (a threat to a world that thrives on sensationalism) and the peacemakers (not the most heavily armed aggressors) would be esteemed.

The TV lady and Jesus were in complete agreement about miracles being for children. But then the TV woman said that grown-up people, grown up societies, do not need miracles. She said that the grown-up meanings that Jesus meant did not need the theatrical trappings that He dressed them in - those circus costume miracles (those funny, childish gags like the calming of storms, the cleansing of lepers, the raising from the dead). She said we did not need miracles to find Christ or to be part of His kingdom.

Therein is the rub. Christ said that His kingdom - the world where He Himself reigns - is for children. He Himself said that if we don't need a miracle we will most likely have little interest in Him. If we are able to get along joyfully in the grown-up world of supply, demand, survival, aggression, sensations and consumerism, then we'd probably have too low to stoop and too much trimming to do to slip through that needle's eye gateway to Him. If we aren't sick, we don't need a doctor. If we aren't lost, we don't need a leader.

But, if we can admit a need, if we aren't as altogether as we sometimes secretly fear we're not, if we can shed our thick-skinned self-reliance and peel off that thin veneer of satisfaction - then there is a place for us in His kingdom and a fairly fat chance that we can loosen our load and slip on through. If we can find that courage... or that honesty... if we can be needy, helpless, blessed as a child...

O Lord, this is me calling - an adult in an adult world, needing to be a child again in a kingdom for children. O Lord - can you make me that? It will take a miracle.


There in those 7 or 8 paragraphs is the story of my life; hopefully at least the story that is becoming my life. In line with this article, I think of Rich's song Growing Young. Check it out if you get a chance.

NCAA Championship

Kentucky just won the National Championship... and the farewell montage music is straight out of the late 70s. It's like cool jazz meets those old, bad sitcoms we're glad aren't syndicated anymore. If you missed this, please google 'One Shining Moment'. The wrong person clearly got too much creative control, and that person clearly is still spinning vinyl, has shag carpet, and drives a Nova. Watch that montage with that dog-ugly song and tell me otherwise.

...5 minutes later....

OK, so a little more backstory... The song is indeed 'One Shining Moment', by Luther Vandross. Some dude named Doug, a producer with the NCAA Tournament, came up with this idea. No harm intended to Doug, or Luther Vandross, but this song is dog-ugly. Also, Doug died in 2009. Judging from the song, he was likely very very old, and only sentimentality on the part of the other aging producers can even begin to explain this crime of a tournament-ending video segment. It's time to move on, guys. Doug is gone. The song is old. Let it go.

...3 minutes later....

The song is still dog-ugly, but it's starting to get stuck in my head between the replays and laughter. I might just sneak this into the wake-up alarm circuit.

Reflections on Martin/Zimmerman

For my part, I feel a lot of compassion and grief for those directly affected in this case. Each seem, from the available quotes, broken up over the matter and caught up in an unwanted storm of political opportunism. We can say with certainty that Mr. Zimmerman will be charged and will defend himself in court. That those charges have not yet been filed underscores the complicated nature of the case and the need for restraint. If those with the authority to accuse are having such a hard time developing a prosecutable accusation, on what more-informed ground do rallies across the nation levy their accusation?

To be very clear, I don't know if George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty. I have no idea what happened. Even if I did, I would have a hard time drawing the line between when pulling the trigger in self-defense is and isn't warranted. The standard of reasonable doubt exists because our criminal judicial system is based on an aversion to condemning the innocent. It's not perfect, but we generally make our best effort to meet that very Christian and compassionate standard of judgment. I'm thankful that the matter will be settled in court, because outside its walls, a different standard of judgment is at work. There, all I hear is an instigated crowd chanting in unison for a charge not proven concerning a matter they cannot possibly understand. But that shouldn't strike us as out of place, right? The madness of crowds at the prodding of opportunists is nothing new. Christians, of all people, should understand that pattern, especially this week.