This morning, I and some friends dug up half of my front yard, replanted with fresh sod, and retook the landscaping on the side of the house and part of the back. I am so stinking tired. Grass is a very stubborn creature, especially when you try to uproot it. Now my lot has only one type of grass present, meaning I can save 10 minutes every year reading fertilizer bags to see what grasses are covered. Now, I'll just look for the big 'ST. AUGUSTINE' sign, grab a bag, and go.
10 minutes a year... I'm sure that is worth 11 people working 7 hours...
Actually, my non-St.A yard was infested with weeds, and seemed immune to whatever anti-weed stuff I put down. Now, I just see a nice green lawn. Hopefully I can remember to water it enough so that it stays that way.
Nothing about this post attempts to illustrate the enormity of this project. I have no words. Only aches, stink, and a lighter wallet. But, I can look out my window now and see a lawn that says something other than 'I have no work ethic.' I'm pretty happy with my lawn. I sincerely wish I'd taken before and after pictures. Perhaps I'll just post an 'after' and spare you the misery of my non-lawn that was.
Either way, I raise my glass of rehydrating agua to the fine young men of the UTA BSM:
May you each have long lives,
shared with pretty wives,
a house full of kids,
each with smart lids,
that one day will say,
in grateful display
"Your retirement I will pay,
since social security went away"
I can actually guarantee one of those lines...
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