So, over the last little while I've had it in my head that I'd like to help develop sustainable financial systems in Africa. That sounds like a big task, and I think it probably is, but my perspective on such an idea was adjusted a few weeks ago. The link below is a great video supporting an organization called Water Harvest International. My church played this video a few weeks ago, and through it I realized (or was reminded) that as wonderful an idea as is self-sustaining finances, the best system imaginable is useless if people's basic needs aren't first being met.
Maybe my realization for the moment is how much I take for granted things like clean water or availability of medicine, nutrition, and shelter. I have a hunch that, as such services improve in Africa, the 'big idea' items like economic structure, may also grow in step. In the meantime, I'll continue looking into what God wants of me, and supporting people like this along the way.