Here's a few thoughts from the recent Texas Primaries I want to get down and may write more about later.
1. I stood in line for 30 minutes...just to get in the building. The other party's primary line, who for the sake of anonymity we'll call "Prebubricans", didn't exist. At least 5 times a older black man with a long chin goatee came out and yelled, "Do we have any 'Prerubricans'? Any Prerubricans, your line is inside the building."
Silence, followed by laughter...
My line, we'll call "Femmirats" grew all the larger, and by the time I left the polling station, the primary line was likely an hour out the door, and the caucus crowd was row-day. I declined to stay for that circus.
2. I'm in my polling station, and I admittedly don't know the first thing about everyone not running for President. I'm guilty, I admit it. BUT, the guy in the next station says from behind the curtain, 'Hey, who's some good names to vote for on this thing.' I was tempted to say 'Nathan Dean, but he's a write in, so just write his name in between the chads. It's a can't miss.'
We all know we're lazy on knowing our local representatives come election time. Local-level political aspirations are won and lost by all the yahoos and their arbitrary chad-punching. I'm one of them and I don't defend it, but can we at least say that a new threshold is crossed when you ask the guy in the adjacent station 'who should I vote for'?
"Exit, pursued by a bear."
- William Shakespeare, 'The Winter's Tale'
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