Sometimes when I need a good laugh, I'll flip on the cheapo televangelist channel. I am and will forever be amazed that anyone takes that stuff seriously.
So this lady is on there doing a roundtable discussion that turns into storytime on how God answers prayers. She went into this long discourse on how the pressures of life have a way of dragging us to a near standstill spiritually. She talked about how easy it is for us to forget God in those moments, and how when we remember to seek Him, He turns our struggles into joy and He is with us; guiding us and showing us His love.
Almost gets you thinking about your own life. It did with me - until she opened her mouth back up and "He turns our struggles into joy and is with us; guiding us and showing us His love -- like when you're getting ready for a party, and have so many things to do you feel just overwhelmed. So I stopped right there, got on my knees, and prayed that God would take control of the situation and lift me up with His power. Not only did I get everything done, but had 30 minutes left to rest!"
You know, I almost thought she'd apply the idea with something meaningful, but I obviously forgot which channel I was watching. The best part was all the other ladies' affirming nods - you know, that sincere, eyes closed, 'I can feel the spirit in this room' kind of nod - you know the one. I guess the real sad part is a lot of folks see that and say 'that's what the whole Christian-thing is all about'.
Breaking from that for a moment, I had a prayer request of my own the other night.
By the way, is it wierd for a 24 year old to refer to anyone as his best friend? Is that kinda kiddish? I was thinking about that a lot, but what I figure is I might as well. I'm not closer to anyone else outside my family, and I'm not gonna act like I don't pick favorites, cause I certainly do in most areas of my life.
So we'll call him my best friend, and his name is Kurt. He's preparing to spend his life on the other side of the world in service to Christ. In the 5 years I've known him, we've shared a lot of good times together through conversations, camping, being investigated by border patrol, you know, all the quality moments in life that bring people together. For the last few weeks he's been traveling from the deep south back to Portland where he lives, visiting friends and relatives with his girlfriend Sarah. A few nights ago, they stayed with me for their one night in Fort Worth. They were late getting in, and by the time we had dinner and got back to the casa, it was about 10:30 with my 5:30am wake-up call staring me in the face. We talked for awhile, had some good tea (I love tea), and called it a night. As I was drifting off, I prayed that God would let me stay home for awhile that next morning without lying to my boss.
A few seconds of conciousness later and I was up and on my way, having totally forgotten what I prayed the night before. I get in my car, start turning it out of the drive, and noticed it wasn't moving where I was telling it to move. After decorating the moment with an expletive, I did what any man would and should do, and just gave it more gas. A few seconds later I was enlightened. I couldn't drive straight because my tire was completely flat. I immediately remembered my prayer, and with a widening grin of excitement and humiliation, I thanked God for answering my prayer and apologized for cursing. I felt very biblical - being so holy and unholy in near the same moment. Made me feel like David, and he was a king.
Kurt woke up a few hours later and we got to work on the car for a while and talk about the deeper points we'd missed the night before. He is the best friend I've got, one of the few people who need just ask and I'd be on the next plane to wherever he is.
I sincerely wanted to find some big spiritual lesson or illumination that came from the extra 3 hours I got to spend with Kurt this week, but if there is one, I'm not conciously aware of it. Maybe my big point is one of encouragement - don't be afraid or ashamed to ask God for things that seem silly or rather simple in the 'big picture' of life. I believe in a God who laughs and dances, and who loves children and fairy tales. I think He has a soft spot in His heart for simple people praying simply. Don't be afraid to offer up your questions for God. You're never too smart or mature to not ask God most anything. But if He happens to give you a pleasant answer to a simple request, like flattening your tire, please, please, please, use those moments not as a point of fixation, but a reminder of all the different ways God is so very good, and how those moments are meant to encourage us to pursue Him all the more.
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