There's 1:44 left in Boston's sick beating of the LA Lakers to win their 17th championship. They're up by 43 points and just pouring it on. They are beating the Lakers like a rented mule. And Kevin Garnett, now at the pinnacle of his great career, can't help but celebrate this moment by dropping a string of celebratory profanities bad enough for ABC to cut audio for three five-second intervals...all within about 30 seconds. I don't know why that amazes me. Kevin Garnett was knows for his mouth before becoming a Celtic, and Bostonians drop f-bombs like clocks tick. I guess I want to believe athletes are more than just athletes, but role models as well. I do think that some are, but at the moment, Kevin Garnett is an amazing athlete who entertains with his skill. That's it.
The game is over now. The Celtics won. Kevin Gartnett was interviewed right after the game. Again, he lets his tongue fly, and ABC, being the wise editors they are, put him on a 6-second delay and cut the audio. This is now the sixth audio cut I've counted in the last five minutes, all due to KG's mouth. At some point this became laughable. I don't remember when; all the bleeps must have distracted me.
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