OK, so that last idea was a bust. I admit it, and now I'm moving on.
I don't have much to say, so instead of trying to pull something out of my butt, I'm gonna do something I don't often do with something I do quite often.
The 'something I do quite often' is write poetry. The 'something I don't often do' is share it with anyone else, so consider this a little peephole into Nathan's squirmy paranoia-infested inner thoughts. It's probably theraputic to me in some way.
Oh, and most of my poems are about love. Hope you don't mind.
Without Reason
I love thee without reason
like a candle to a flame
where others find division
to each other we're the same
My love is earned by nothing
No conditions to display
I love thee without reason
I love thee enough to say
I don't love you for your smile
though it illuminates my day
heavenlies ne'er knew such warmth
they resignedly fade away
You dance just like an angel
up upon your throne
I'll live to love you, lift you, darling
as you dance your way back home
I don't love you for your voice
that harp-led angels song
at yours the angels voices stilled
like them I am undone
Your eyes are like a waterfall
pouring endless supply
of strength that heals and peace that reveals
all things within your eyes
Your body a portrait of elegance
your spirit wild and free
Burning, turning fire's passion
Heaven's opus reality
Even for this I don't love you
On love tis not my claim
I loved you without reason
before I ever knew your name
Cause all these things about you
are magic to my eyes
my heart jumps straight to heaven
when I look into your eyes
but if they ever leave you
if they ever fly away
I always knew your name, 'My Love'
my love for you remains
and sees not what could be
or must be or should be
expects not, projects not
but says softly, 'I love thee'
Not 'because', not 'in this way'
No conditions to display
I love thee without reason
I love thee enough to say
We could be together
We could be the same
loving completely, drinking deeply
fanning on this flame
We could be together
we could be the same
living till we fly
till we fly away
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