Well, so much for that '9 days' thing, huh?
I've just got to say that life happens, and I'm less-busy enough to write now that my financial testing is complete. What a beast that stuff is. I will get around to my experiences in silence, of which there are many to speak. For now, however, I just want to write about tonight, both as a release and to exercise my writing a little bit.
I asked a girl out on a date tonight. I suppose you'd call it a date, anyway. Either way you go, we're talking about exclusive time together at the very intimate and thoughtful concert of one David Gray. Maybe I got motivated to act because my roommate proposed today, figuring if he is brave enough to drop a knee live, on stage at our big opera house in Fort Worth, surely I can muster a pseudo-date request.
I'm not sure guys are capable of pulling much anything off relationship wise with the ease and grace we commonly see in movies, but then again, real life girls aren't being paid to swoon now, are they?
Long story short, there's a bonus in that she really likes David Gray, and I didn't know that before asking her. On the other hand, I got the 'I'll have to check my schedule' card, so I'm not incredibly optimistic at this point that this one is gonna work out. And is that response ever legitimate? I figure if a girl really wants a date to happen, she'll say yes. Either way you go, I'll find out by next weekend if I need to revert to one of my other plan As.
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